Transition Service

Your stories
Your Stories
April 23, 2024

Transition Kaimahi
The Transition Kaimahi supports eligible Rangatahi aged 15-21 on their journey transitioning from care into adulthood, independent living and long-term wellbeing.

The kaimahi supports with:

Appointments and meetings

Guidance and advice

Emotional and social struggles

Physical and mental health


Connecting with agencies and services

Education and employment

Gaining a driver's license

Relationship and whanau connections

Creating a Curriculum Vitae and learning

Interview skills

And, lots more!

Client story:
I was brought up in Invercargill but my siblings were much older than me.  I went into foster care at the age of six, which was traumatising.

I then returned home for a short time, which also wasn’t the best space for me to be in for other reasons, so I stayed with my older sister a lot. I was sexually abused between the ages of 7 and 12.

At 18, I moved in with my partner but this was an extremely abusive relationship, and made me realise I needed to change my life.

I had got in trouble and ended up in Court. The judge suggested I look for a transition worker. 

Not long after that, I was introduced to Diane. I have been working with her for about 2 years now and she is the only person that has helped me keep on the straight and narrow.

She supported me with my court outcomes and I know if it hadn’t been for her, I wouldn’t have succeeded. I completed my court plan and was discharged without conviction. 

After being discharged from court, she supported me to get a job and things were going well for 3 months until I lost that job. After that, I started spiralling and to cope I started using alcohol and drugs. Again, Diane was in my corner and directed me toward counselling. She literally kept me alive and from killing myself during this time. I had always felt like I was alone but with the transition worker on my side, I realised I wasn’t.

I am now in the process of undergoing detox and afterwards I will go to rehab.

The transition worker has supported me through everything, more than I could ever ask for. I can now see a future and have goals following rehab. I now understand what is out there for me and I have a change in mind-set.  I want to gain my NCEA levels then study Forensic Science.  I can see myself getting a house, car and a job. 

Diane has helped me to be more independent and I can honestly say it has been the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. She is there to listen and it is good to have someone there to support me through my thoughts, my financials and so much more.

I just can’t even put it into words how grateful I am for this service.

Client story:
I bounced around multiple foster homes as a child after my mother remarried and my stepdad and I didn’t get along. 

I was 10 when I went into foster care. It was nerve-wracking and scary. My siblings were all separated but we all stayed in touch.

I met the transition worker at my first Family Group Conference. She helped me through it, and from that point forward, she continued to help me with multiple things, including interaction with my Social Worker and getting the items I needed for school.

She introduced me to the Te Whare Mahana house, which is a supported youth living home in Invercargill run by Nga Kete. I moved in around 5-6 months ago. It has been wonderful. It has given me the independence I needed and a taste of adult life.

The transition worker helped me move in and collected my things. Since moving into the house, I have learnt so much around independence, budgeting and grocery shopping.

Client story:
I spent my childhood in foster care because my mother had mental health issues and my father had addiction issues.

My social worker spoke to me about the transition worker, and I’m so pleased I agreed to it. Diane does everything to help support me. She sorts all of my meetings out and advocates for me.

My goal was to get a job and move out of the system. This year, she helped me to discharge myself from Oranga Tamariki care.

She has helped me to learn independance, helped me write letters and supported me with my CV. She has arranged me getting my driver’s licence and is helping me to get a job.

She communicates really well with everyone and helps me with communication, which I find really hard at times. She has taught me to do things for myself, which I never used to be able to do.

Client story:
I went into foster care at 14-years-old because my parents constantly argued and my father was physically and verbally abusive. One of my friends took their own life and it made me realise I didn’t want the same for myself so I run away and that’s when Oranga Tamariki got involved.

I was in foster care for one year before I moved into Te Whare Mahana, the supported youth living home in Invercargill run by Nga Kete.

I met the transitional worker when I was in foster care and she supported me to move into the transition home but also with everything else.

We talked about my goals and she has been my support person and an advocate for me. If I need something, she is my voice. She has taught me independence.

The support from the transition worker has meant a lot to me. She has helped me into counselling and supported me in finishing school.

I have built the relationship back with my Mum, which I’m really happy about.

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