Te Waka Tuhono: Rangatahi Service

Te Waka Tuhono aims to build cultural resiliency and wellbeing for young Māori aged 12-17 years.

Engaging in Maori practices such as Mara Kai, Waka Ama, Waka Toi, Ngahere Hikoi, and Noho Wananga that resource Rangatahi to reduce harm (alcohol and other drug use / impact from others addiction), become more resilient, make better choices and establish strong cultural connections.

The service aims to empower our Rangatahi to stand proud in their identity as Māori.

Along this journey with Te Waka Tuhono they will learn about their culture, their tikanga, and hear kōrero from our Kaumātua on the ways of our Tūpuna. When our young people are confident in their culture and identity they will thrive.

How does it work? Following a pōwhiri process, Rangatahi will go on camp. Included is a range of ongoing learning experiences in a Marae and classroom setting, with referral to specialist counselling interventions as required.

Who can refer? Referrals accepted from whānau, schools, community and Rangatahi.

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Engaging in authentic Māori practices such as Whakairo, Waka Ama, Waka Toi, Ngahere Hikoi, Noho Matauranga Wananga (by Māori for Māori) that resource Rangatahi to reduce harm, and build Māori identity and connections.

Te Waka Tuhono: Rangatahi Service

are ready to help

Our Team

Sarah Wilson
Te Waka Tuhono Manager
Kim Diack
Te Waka Tuhono Manu-Arataki
Sean Morgan