Cancer Kaiarahi: Helen-Marie Harwood

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Your Stories
December 12, 2024

All of my life I have been plagued with sinus issues, and usually a good dose of antibiotics sorts it out. But this time it was a lot more serious than that and I received a shocking cancer diagnosis. It has been a battle, but I am so pivileged to have the support of my beautiful family, my workplace, and the Ngā Kete Cancer Kaiarahi Service.

My sinuses were really playing up in December last year. Usually I would go and see my doctor who would prescribe me antibiotics and the problem would disappear.

My doctor was unavailable due to the time of year so I went to see a practice nurse instead. She checked me out and told me my sinuses weren’t infected and she planned to refer me to Ear, Nose and Throat.

I thought she was being ridiculous. I had lived with this issue my entire life and I knew what the problem was. It was every symptom I had always experienced during a flare-up.

Nevertheless I went to my appointment at Ear, Nose and Throat, and was told I needed a biopsy because a lump had been found on the back of my tongue. This meant a night in hospital and a week off work.

I thought this was a huge overreaction for a simple sinus problem but I went along with it because I had no choice. Never once did I think they would tell me I had cancer.

After the biopsy I was sitting at home one night when a notification popped up on my health app. It was full of big words but at the bottom it had CCd in the Cancer Registration. I was shocked and in complete denial. Surely my sinus issue wasn’t cancer. I must have read it wrong.

But I didn’t read it wrong, and soon after I was diagnosed with mouth, throat and gland cancer and sent to Christchurch and Dunedin Hospital for more scans. I couldn’t believe it. I didn’t want to believe it.

Treatment started quickly in Dunedin. Six weeks of radiation with some chemotherapy throughout. I was told I may feel unwell during this time but I had no idea I would be so sick. I pictured having treatment and enjoying the rest of the day, but that wasn’t the reality. Instead, I would spend the rest of the day nauseous and tired and, by the end of it, I was so unwell I had to stay in hospital for two weeks. I was dehydrated and dropping 1kg per day.

I was 118kg before all of this happened and I have since lost about 30kg. In any normal situation that would be amazing, but I didn’t want to lose it this way, and the doctors did not want me to lose weight. Also, because of losing it so fast, I have lost muscle mass and become weak.

I was unwell for about two months after treatment. I knew I would be sick for a while, but I thought I would get my life back the way it was. Instead, I was tired, low in energy, suffered anxiety and couldn’t eat much.

Things were tough during this time but I was so lucky to have the Ngā Kete Cancer Kaiarahi team step in and support me. The team would ring and text me to check in to see how I was and if I needed anything, and when I got home from treatment they would visit me regularly.

They were the team I needed, but didn’t realise I needed – and still do. There’s so much of this journey I couldn’t have done without them. I can open up and talk to them about things I can’t discuss with my family, and I feel so privileged to have them in my corner.

I can’t speak highly enough of the kaimahi Barbara and Jo. There are not enough words. I have been so lucky to have the whole of Ngā Kete supporting me. The CEO has been amazing, supportive and helpful, and I have also had the incredible support of my husband Wayne, best friend Kathy, cousin Barbara, son Connor, and granddaughter Sunshyne.

I also now attend the Ngā Kete Cancer Support Group, which has been fantastic. I can openly talk to the group about my anxiety, and fear of the cancer returning and we can all relate to each others experiences. The group has been validation for me in the way that I feel, and so welcoming.

I’m getting used to the new me now and slowly coming to terms with what happened. I am grateful to all of those who supported me throughout this ordeal.

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