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We Can Come To You!

Western Southland businesses and farms - we can come to you!! Panui below
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Nga Kete Care Packs - Kaumatua

Our fabulous kaumatua received their Nga Kete Care Packs today following a wonderful Matariki Luncheon. Today was a celebration of getting through 2 years of a pandemic, remembering we are […]
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General practices vouchers offered in attempt to help Southland Hospital ED

Southlanders will now be offered vouchers to visit a general practice instead when they turn up at Southland Hospital’s emergency department.
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Nga Kete Care Packs - Rangatahi

Our amazing Kura tauira received their Nga Kete Care Packs - a celebration of getting through 2 years of pandemic, remembering we are stronger together, connected, we care. They are […]
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Te Paki o Matariki Whakaruia

Staff had a wonderful night celebrating Te Paki o Matariki Whakaruia at Te Wharekura o Arowhenua. Celebrating Matariki, whanau resilience, connection and hauora!
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Matariki 2022

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