Haere Tonu – Kia Piki Te Ora Te Waipounamu Suicide Prevention Hīkoi and Symposium

August 26, 2024

Ngā Kete Mātauranga Pounamu Charitable Trust’s Kōrari Māori Public Health team, together with the Te Waipounamu Kia Piki Te Ora (All Ages Suicide Prevention for Māori) collective, are hosting a hīkoi and symposium to champion better outcomes for whānau.

The four collective sites, He Waka Tapu (Otautahi), Maataawaka ki te Tau Ihu (Wairau), Te Tai Poutini (West Coast) and Ngā Kete Mātauranga Pounamu (Murihiku) are coming together in Ōtautahi. The traveling sites will hīkoi by bus with pick up points along the way at rūnaka, marae and other sites picking up whānau and kaimahi.

The bus from Murihiku departs on Monday 9th September and the symposium will take place in Ōtautahi the following day to coincide with World Suicide Prevention Day. World Suicide Prevention Day focuses attention of reducing stigma by discussing ways to seek help and raising awareness of suicide prevention – whakamōmori.

On the bus, there will be kōrero, katakata, and activities. At our key pick up points on the journey to Otautahi,  the bus will kōrero to whānau and local media to share a collective message – “Mai e te pō ki te aō marama – out of the darkness and into the light”. The symposium will involve keynote speakers that work in suicide prevention as well as mental health lived experience and hauora experts. As well throughout the day, there will be workshops and activities, kai, whakawhanaungatanga and waiata.

Kōrari Māori Public Health Service Manager Karina Davis-Marsden said, “Haere Tonu is tino rangatiratanga in action. We are in the business of hope, and whānau suffering mental health distress whether directly or indirectly affected need guidance, support and awhi to navigate the space of suicide prevention and whakamōmori”.

“While on this haerenga – journey, we will also be promoting te reo me ona tīkanga, mātauranga Māori and whakawhanaungatanga. On our hīkoi we will be sharing a collective message of aroha and kotahitanga across the motu. This is a unique opportunity to grow māori approaches to wellbeing and to meet other kaimahi and whānau from all corners of Te Waipounamu working and supporting the mahi of suicide prevention.

Kia Piki Te Ora (all ages suicide prevention for Māori) contributes to the reduction of suicide in our communities by strengthening the protective factors that promote health and wellbeing of Māori.

Media contact:
Nicci Fowler
Communications, Media & Marketing Manager
Nga Kete Matauranga Pounamu Charitable Trust
Phone: (03) 214 5260

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