Welcome to the Southern Stop Smoking Service.
We provide a free Southern wide service offering community group clinics and one-on-one support with eight site coaches operating across the Southern region.
Individuals, health providers, workplaces, and community organisations can refer.
We provide free nicotine replacement therapy resources to support you on your journey to become smoke-free. These include gum, lozenges and patches.
It is also our privilege to be working in partnership with Te Ha o Maru, the Moeraki Runanga Health and Social Service, to provide stop smoking services in their takiwa.
Get in touch with us today!
Our team are mobile and ready to help support you on your smoke free journey! We will provide you with support and all of the information you need to get you on track to becoming smoke free. we provide free NRT products (patches, gum and lozenges) and support around other stop smoking resources such as medications and vaping. Not only do we support individuals, we also support entire workplaces, hospital patients (maternity), marae, kura, kohanga, schools and more.