Tui Ora: Whanau Support Service

Nga Kete works collaboratively with Oranga Tamariki to bring you Tui Ora, a Kaupapa Māori whānau support service.

The Tui Ora team provide intense social support to whānau to assist in developing and maintaining safe care of tamariki. We are whānau-centric, whānau-led and mana enhancing, Community strengths based - Linking and connecting, advocate for sustainable change, demystify and inform whānau of new opportunities to educate, skill develop, and create pathways for choice or change.

Tui Ora provides a range of services, including:
Whānau Tautoko
Working primarily with Intensive Response Team supporting whānau placements Kaimahi will walk alongside whānau when care and protection concerns have been identified by Oranga Tamariki.
Iwi Family Group Conference
Kaimahi work to strengthen whānau with the aim Tamariki will not go into care. Kaimahi also create aspirational and purposeful plans that are mana enhancing and enable whānau to lead out while ensuring tikanga practices are adhered to.
Transition Kaimahi
The Transition Kaimahi supports eligible rangatahi aged 15-21 on their journey transitioning from care into adulthood, independent living and long-term wellbeing.
Te Whare Mahana
Te Whare Mahana is a stable, safe and supportive living environment for Rangatahi transitioning out of care to independent living.


  • Taputapu Mātua Parenting group programme - Connecting whānau with information, advice and services in regard to parenting.
  • Te Rourou Paioranga Nutrition programme - Connecting whānau with cost effective and healthy nutritional recipes and ideas, budgeting, how to cook, and an understanding of Māori kai.
  • Pūrerehua Transformation Providing comprehensive support to whānau as they embark on their journey towards achieving their goals.

Social Worker in Schools (SWIS)
Supporting rangatahi to succeed at Kura in their academic endeavours by supporting students and parents to navigate challenges and barriers.

We are based at 74 Don Street, Invercargill.

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Our Team

Diane Jerry
Tui Ora Manager
Jordan Nikora
Iwi Family Group Conference Co-ordinator
DelVohn Johnson
Kaiarahi Whanau Tautoko Practitioner
Erica Baker
Transition Kaimahi
Martina Smith
Pūrerehua Transformation Kaimahi
Charity Wickliffe-Poihipi
Pūrerehua Transformation Team Leader
Helen-Marie Harwood
Whanau Facilitator/Programmes
Miringa Popham
Tui Ora Administration
Omea Crombie
Social Worker in Schools