Māori Cancer Kaiarahi Service

The Māori Cancer Kaiarahi Service is a free service in Southland designed to support Māori and their whānau with high suspicion of/or diagnosis of cancer.

The Kaiarahi Service helps support Māori and their whānau with high suspicion of/or diagnosis of cancer to get the right information, make informed decisions about treatment options, and get to treatment.

The kaiawhina will assist and make the pathway as smooth as possible by

  • Ensuring that you have the information you need to make informed choices about your health and treatment.
  • Making sure you are able to attend all your appointments. The Kaiawhina can attend important appointments with you.
  • Ensuring that you understand medical terms.
  • Helping you and your whānau to access other services to meet your needs.
  • Tautoko with regular phone calls and visits.

Whanau can be referred by: 

  • Self-referral
  • GPs
  • Cancer Society
  • The Hospital
  • Friends
  • Whānau
  • Hospice
  • District Nurses
  • Any health providers and other professionals.

You can be referred at any stage of your journey.

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The aroha raua koe awhi provided from Nga Kete has been amazing. The general call tocheck -in, the support of kai and medical supplies have been well appreciated. Massivearoha for Barb's your mahi is tumeke & I hope one day i can help someone in my waka. Ngamihi nui ehoa x 
Maori Cancer Kaiarahi Service has helped lots of people and their whānau through the years, here is some recent feedback, we hope we can help you in the same way.

Māori Cancer Kaiarahi Service

are ready to help

Our Team

Karina Davis-Marsden
Korari Maori Public Health Team Manager
Barbara Metzger
Maori Cancer Kaiarahi Service Co-ordinator
Jo Cullen
Maori Cancer Kaiarahi Service Assistant