Manawa Ora: Community Withdrawal Service

Alcohol and other drug community withdrawal service - Home-based nursing service

MANAWA ORA is a free community home-based withdrawal nursing service co-ordinated by our nursing team that aims to support safe withdrawal from alcohol and/or other drugs, supporting your move to improved health, recovery and wellness. 

A tailored plan for managed withdrawal is completed with your full participation and support person e.g. whānau, consumer advocate (as consented).

All community withdrawal clients need a key support person (e.g. friend, whānau, or advocate) over the 14 day withdrawal treatment plan period.

The nurse can:

· On-refer, support, and advocate as per the treatment plan goals. It’s not uncommon to access a range of services as part of your plan and we can assist with this.

· Provide home-based detox, progress and wellbeing need checks (by appointment). Treatment support accessible from 92 Spey Street, Invercargill. Residential withdrawal support can be organized if suitable home-based options are not available.

· Liaise and link you to addiction counselling services, support groups, community providers, Rongoa, Māori Service Providers, and other health services as required.

Discharge: Discharge planning occurs as part of the initial assessment and as a plan outcome.

Referrals: You can self-refer or referrals can be made by your General Practitioner and other health providers.

Seeking to support safe managed community withdrawal, a return to improved health and wellbeing. Supporting your return to participation in society and doing the things you care about.

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Our Team

Maria Colligan-Ward
He Puna Waiora Wellness Centre Practice Manager
Kasey Hope
Manawa Ora Nurse