Kōrari is the Ngā Kete Matauranga Pounamu māori public health team. The name Kōrari is the name of the reed of a traditional Ngāi Tahu vessel that our tīpuna used to transport people and supplies by water. The mōkihi represents a mātauranga māori strength, empowerment and resiliency. Our mahi is presented through a Te Ao Māori lens and is guided by indigeneous knowledge, te reo me ona tīkanga and te taiao (the natural environment). Kōrari responds to the needs of the māori community, collaborates with other hāpori groups and organisations and keeps whānau at the centre of all mahi to support an overarching vision to see that Māori in Murihiku are well.
Mahi a te mahi
M.A.N.A Make A Noise Aotearoa
A weekly radio show and podcast for whānau to access on air and online. The hauora focused show supports community health by providing education and information on relevent kaupapa, health and social services and hāpori events that suport whānau wellbeing. The team interview manuhiri each week about their mahi, service information and stories to promote whānau wellbeing.
Te Waka Taiohika o Murihiku Waka Ama
A rangatahi intiative delivered during the school year that utilises waka ama as a vessel for health for our young people. We work alongside schools and community groups to uplift their rangatahi through physical activity, connection to the natural environment, tīkanga and whakawhanaungatanga to encourage mental health resiliency. This kaupapa is guided by the Te Ara a Kewa Health Model.
If your rangatahi is interested in, or would like, more information about the kaupapa contact karina.davis-marsden@kaitahu.maori.nz
Kaumātua KoriKori Tinana
A weekly group for Kaumātua hosted at Te Tomairangi Marae. This day at the marae supports the four walls of Te Whare Tapa Wha for our beautiful kaumātua.
Ki Uta Ki Tai Waka Ama Regatta
An annual event that promotes wellbeing for māori and other whānau through waka ama in Te Anau on Labour Weekend.
Moko Hauroa
To wear moko is to be proud to be Māori. Tā moko connects whānau to whakapapa and tells the story of the individual. Kōrari hosted four Kaitā (tā moko artists) at Takutai o te Tītī Marae in Colac Bay for a three day wānanga to share their mātauranga māori. This kaupapa strengthens cultural connection, identity and supports the well-being for our Ōraka Aparima whānau and the wider hāpori.
These are some of the whānau stories and photos from the most recent wānanga - Jan 2024.
Kaumātua Hapori Tautoko
Walking alongside Kaumātua to guide and support their oranga hauora (holistic wellbeing).
This kaupapa is guided by the pou of Te Whare Tapa Whā Māori health model to support positive health outcomes for our Kaumātua.
The kaiāwhina can assist you by:
For more information, contact our Kaumātua Kaiāwhina Emma Furlonge on 022 599 7556
M.A.N.A. - Make A Noise Aotearoa is a health and wellbeing programme and podcast for whānau wellness. M.A.N.A is about connecting whānau with information and organisations that support health and wellbeing. Brought to you by Kōrari Māori Public Health Team from Ngā Kete Matauranga Pounamu Trust! Find us on Radio Southland 96.4
Broadcast: Sunday 4.30pm and replays Monday 9pm
New episodes: Weekly
Runtime: 30 minutes
Providing initiatives, campaigns, hui and programmes within our community.