Kaumātua Hapori Tautoko Service

Supporting Kaumātua wellbeing and independence - hauora oranga

Our Kaumātua Kaiawhina can assist you with:

  • Health and wellbeing
  • Connections - Whakawhanaungatanga
  • Advocacy - Health care, transport, linkage to other services
  • Support with physical exercise - Strength and balance
  • Care calls - Checking in with calls and planned visits.

The Kaumātua Hapori Tautoko Service is guided by the pou of Te Whare Tapa Whā Māori Health model, to support better outcomes for our kaumātua.

Contact: Emma Furlonge on 022 599 7556

Our Team

Karina Davis-Marsden
Korari Maori Public Health Team Manager
Emma Furlonge
Kaumātua Kaiāwhina