Ngā Kete Mātauranga Pounamu Charitable Trust

Connecting Whanau with Resources, Ideas and Energy for Wellbeing and Independence.


We offer a range of different resources to help you and your whanau.

Ideas & Energy

With 25 years of service delivery in Southland and more than 100 staff, we have a wealth of knowledge ready to share and teach. 
We offer a wide range of health and social services, many of which are provided at low or no cost. These services include:
Mental Health & Addiction Counselling
Restorative Justice
Navigational Support
He Puna Waiora Wellness Centre
Bluff Community Medical Centre (offering low-cost access to doctor services
Stop Smoking Support

Walking alongside whānau

NKMP is an organisation with energy, zest and resources that can support a person on their journey and empower them to succeed with planning, access, navigation and advocacy.
He Puna Waiora Wellness Centre InvercargillTe Waka TuhonoMahana ServiceToi Toi Shop logoKorari Maori Public Health Logo
Nga Kete Matauranga Pounamu Charitable Trust

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