
Your donations help....


of your donation will go to supporting whānau/families.

Food Parcel Koha (donation)

Pataka Oranga is the NKMP foodbank run by the Whānau Ora team. Kai parcels are provided to whānau in need. By receiving the first kai parcel, whānau are given the opportunity to meet with a Whānau Ora navigator for an assessment of need. Requesting a second parcel, whānau will be referred to BFC+ - An intensive, wrap around service that supports whānau to manage finances, debt and other needs impacting on wellbeing and independence.

General Koha (donation)

Ngā Kete is a not-for-profit charitable trust that delivers a range of health and social services at low or no cost including Mental Health and Addiction Counselling, Restorative Justice, Whānau Ora, He Puna Waiora Wellness Centre (A Low Cost Access doctor service), and Stop Smoking support.
The trust was established in 2000 with programmes that support the aspirations of our whakapapa ties to Ōraka-Aparima Rūnaka.

GP Consultations Koha (donation)

He Puna Waiora Wellness Centre is a friendly, holistic and patient-centered General Practice offering a range of services.