Southern Stop Smoking Service: Kelly Wahren

Your stories
Your Stories
June 26, 2024

Kelly Wahren, Invercargill

I was 16 when I started a course and noticed most of the students were smoking. I thought I would try it to so I could be in the “in-crowd”.

I continued smoking for the next 30-odd years, but it became a huge problem for me as the price continued to rise. I gave up for about a week and a half once but it didn’t last.

I started choosing cigarettes over everything else but the habit was taking all of my money and I had no savings. I was forced to move around a lot and I always struggled to scrape together enough money for a bond.

At this point I would have been smoking about 18-20 cigarettes each day, and a mixture of tailor-mades and rollies. I was also suffering from a persistent cough.

I realised that having a roof over my head was far more important than smoking, so I reached out to the Southern Stop Smoking Service after seeing an advertisement in the newspaper.

The coach was incredibly helpful. She supplied me with patches and lozenges and showed me how to use them properly. Her support enabled me to quit. I would never have been able to do it on my own.

I have been smoke-free for about a month now and, most of the time, I don’t miss it. I am saving money, getting fit, breathing better and feel better in general. The persistent cough is gone and I am looking forward to a smoke-free future.

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