Memorandum of Understanding

May 13, 2024

NKMP CEO Tracey Wright-Tawha and Southland Area Commander Inspector Mike Bowman today signed an Interagency Working Relationship Memorandum of Understanding – outlining a commitment to work collaboratively for improved wellbeing outcomes for individuals impacted by mental health and addiction.

The team celebrated the work of Tūmanako Oranga, our Wellness centre, and the positive impact it was having with clients.

September 3, 2024

Haere Tonu

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September 1, 2024

Family Fun Day

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August 30, 2024

FREE Cervical Screening Clinic

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August 26, 2024

Family Fun Day

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August 26, 2024

Haere Tonu – Kia Piki Te Ora Te Waipounamu Suicide Prevention Hīkoi and Symposium

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