Southern Stop Smoking Service: Anonymous

Your stories
Your Stories
February 29, 2024

This client wishes to remain anonymous

I started smoking when I was 11 or 12. It was the cool thing to do and everyone else was smoking. It was normal.

By the time I was 14, I was using substances and drinking and because of this I never thought of smoking as a problem. I felt everything else I was doing was worse.

I never thought of smoking as being addictive and I just assumed I could stop when I wanted to.

Once I was sober, smoking was the one thing I wanted to hold on to. But after a while, I realised I needed to stop. But I could never seem to do it.

I tried to quit every year for a long time, but would mostly only last two months. I used all sorts of stop smoking aids – Zyban, Champix, patches, acupuncture and hypnotherapy. Nothing seemed to work.

I didn’t want to give up and I think that was the problem. I always really enjoyed the habit.

By now I was smoking a packet of tailor-mades a day, and spending almost $1000 a month on cigarettes. I was sick of running out of money before pay day, and I wanted to do things but couldn’t because of the cost. This time, I really wanted to stop.

I self-referred to the Southern Stop Smoking Service. The minute I was sitting with the coach, I knew I was done because now I was responsible.

The coach was fantastic. She walked me through everything and explained clearly how to use the patches properly. Every time I had tried to stop in the past I would only put one patch on because I thought that was how it worked. I didn’t realise you could use more! I’ve been wearing two and it’s really helping.

I also switched to a vape, but I don’t intend to stay on that for long. The coach has been helpful and supportive and it’s good to have someone holding me to account. I thought I was a stubborn enough person to do this on my own, but I’m not.

Since I stopped, my skin looks better and feels softer and my smell is starting to come back. I love having the extra money and I intend to start putting it in a jar so I can see my savings.

I’m so pleased to have finally stopped.

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