Whānau Ora Services

Whānau Ora is a whānau-centered service that supports families to achieve their aspirations.

We know whānau are the experts in their own lives but, on occasion, tensions, problems and day-to-day issues arise, which require support.

The Whānau Ora navigators can assist you to identify issues, create plans for change and consider your long-term aspirations as an individual or as a whānau.

The navigators will:

  • Assess current situation and needs
  • Explore your goals and transformational dreams
  • Identify skills, knowledge and experiences to contribute to your own plan of action
  • Create a plan of action
  • Support, encourage, motivate, problem solve, link and connect to other services as part of the plan.

Navigators work to the 7 Pou of wellness:

  • Whānau are self-managing and empowered leaders.
  • Whānau are leading healthy lifestyles.
  • Whānau are confidently participating in Te Ao Māori.
  • Whānau are participating fully in society.
  • Whānau are economically secure and successfully involved in wealth creation.
  • Whānau are cohesive, resilient and nurturing.
  • Whānau are responsible stewards of their living and natural environment.

Who can refer?

You can self-refer or an agency such as the Police or Oranga Tamariki can refer you.

Be the change you want for yourself and whānau. We may be able to assist. Phone us now!

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Whānau Ora Services

are ready to help

Our Team

Paul Searancke
Community Services Manager
Moira Gerken
Pataka Oranga Co-ordinator
Sagar Khemani
Whanau Ora Navigator - Te Anau
Trixie McIntyre-Bull
Whanau Ora Navigator
Charity Wickliffe-Poihipi
Whanau Ora Navigator
Hemi Harden
Whanau Ora Navigator
Martina Smith
Tui Ora Whanau Ora Navigator
Purerehua Programme Kaimahi
Shahin Pera
Mahana Whanau Ora Navigator