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Winter Wellness Clinic

Winter Wellness Clinic held at Takutai o te Tītī Marae on 18 May 2024.
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Samoan Language Week & our Strength and Balance Class

Samoan Language Week was celebrated during our Tōku Oranga Strength and Balance Class today with some yummy Samoan food made by our very own Nama and Stacy - Faausi Esi […]
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Yesterday we supported and celebrated with eight whanau who are on either our Purerehūa program or parenting and nutrition programs who graduated with flying colours at 20/20 Trust – both […]
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Kia Hiwa Ra - NKMP Newsletter

Check out our latest newsletter:
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Memorandum of Understanding

NKMP CEO Tracey Wright-Tawha and Southland Area Commander Inspector Mike Bowman today signed an Interagency Working Relationship Memorandum of Understanding – outlining a commitment to work collaboratively for improved wellbeing […]
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Mind and Body Networking Hui

A wonderful networking hui over shared kai with Mind and Body (peer support for mental health and addiction) at our Tui Ora office this week.
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